Sacramento Heating and Air filters Will Get Moldy If Not Dry

There is nothing worse than a wet filter. Your home’s filter is actually making sure that your home’s breathing air is decent for your health. Because all the dust in the world can’t magically disappear, your filter is the next best step in preventing those dust particles from getting into your lungs and getting you sick. So if your filter is wet, all the dust it’s about to catch is going to get wet. This will lead to a reduced airflow through mold. So yes – wet filters are bad. Your Sacramento heating and air filters should always be dry, but if they aren’t, here is a reason why it may be getting so damp.


Your Sacramento HVAC generally works by passing the warm/moist air from your home through some evaporator coils, which will create condensation. The condensation will then drip down into a collector pan and you should not have to ever worry about it. But if this drain gets clogged – you are going to have some problems.

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